Tori Boutin
The Amazing & Wonderful Techinolor World of Florida
A New Play by Tori Boutin

A gay romp through the swamps and septic tanks of America's favorite punchline. Come on down to the sunshine state for laughs, gasps, and - if you're lucky - maybe a hate crime.
Workshopped by Fickle Theatre in October 2023
For Young Audiences
Half-Hour Scripted Series by Tori Boutin
Top List for Pilots on The Black List
Winner, Best Pilot - Mars International Film Festival
Quarter Finalist for 2023 Chicago Screenplay Awards and Pitch Now Competition
Selected Script for the Lion International Film Festival
As a crumbling Floridian children's theater company panics over the new Artistic Director's big first-day initiatives, the behind the scenes Artistic Assistant asks how can they teach kids to follow their dreams when they have forgotten their own.
The Bible Quizzer
Half-Hour Scripted Series by Tori Boutin
When a seventh-grade Bible Quizzing whiz discovers her father’s illicit affair firsthand, she must fight her loosening grasp on reality and answer the question: on a scale from 0-10, how sure are you you’re getting into heaven?
Dream Maker
An Original Short Film
Written & Performed by Tori Boutin
Glass Half Funny Productions
Good Morning, Sunshine
An Original Digital Sketch
Written by Tori Boutin
Performed by Tori Boutin &
Sarah Frances Hope Williams
Glass Half Funny Productions
An Original Digital Sketch
Written & Performed by Tori Boutin
Glass Half Funny Productions
Truth or Dare
An Original Digital Sketch
Written by Tori Boutin
Performed by Del Lovejoy,
Sarah Frances Hope Williams, and Tori Boutin
Glass Half Funny Productions

Fantastagirl & The Math Monster

Book & Lyrics by Tori Boutin
Music & Lyrics by Madeline Belknap
Fantastagirl, a second-grade superhero who uses words to save the day, comes face to face with her worst nightmare: the Math Monster! When confronted with problems too big for words alone to solve, Fantastagirl must accept help from her friendly, furry, fraction-loving foe. While Fantastagirl and Math Monster use words and numbers to help her friends and scientist moms, something far more sinister than Math brews on the horizon.

Workshopped & Performed by Adventure Theatre MTC (2022)
"a bold and bright musical...Tori Boutin, who wrote the book and co-wrote the lyrics with Madeline Belknap, certainly seems to know their audience; there’s a poop joke within the first seven minutes that had the children cracking up." Sarah Shah DC Metro Theater Arts (2022)
Nominated for 2023 Helen Hayes - Best Ensemble (Helen)

The Seaside Adventures of Zoey Brine
Book & Lyrics by Tori Boutin
Music & Lyrics by Madeline Belknap
Zoey Brine, a nearly-thirteen year old aspiring conservationist, travels all around the Chesapeake trying to solve her mom's weekly riddles. In this four-part musical episodic adventure, Zoey teams up with a wild cast of characters to solve her weekly mysteries, encountering a new threat to the environment every week. Littering? Runoff? Overfishing? Oh my! Aided by Ranger Dale and armed with her Seaside Field Guide, Zoey's mission is to protect the seaside for years to come.

Performed by Bowie Center for the Performing Arts (2022)